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NOTE: I and many others have spent 20 plus years (from its inception) on this project -- PLEASE GIVE CREDIT if you use our work! I've found hundreds of obituaries FROM THIS SITE on findagrave and many personal genealogy sites - I know the obituaries etc. came from here but I don't see any credit. PLEASE GIVE CREDIT!!!! Here is the citation you should use & thanks so much in advance :)
Citation: The Indiana (INGenWeb Project), Copyright ©1996-2018 (and beyond), Fountain County GenWeb site - thanks soooo much - Karen Bazzani Zach
My name is Karen Bazzani Zach and I am your Coordinator for Fountain County. My hubby is constantly helping me as well - thanks, Jim Z :) . Your Indiana State Coordinator is Lena Harper.
Family Recipes
Good Eatn`
Recipe for a Happy Day (by Helen Barker)
Take a little dash of water
A little leaven of prayer
A little bit of sunshine gold
Dissolved in the morning air.
Add to your meal some merriment
And thought for kith and kin,
And then as a prime ingredient
A plenty of work thrown in,
Flavor it all with the essence of love
And a little dash of play
Let the good old Book and a glance above
Complete the well-spent day!

I also coordinate the Montgomery County, IN GenWeb page and one of the favorite items a bit different than other GenWeb pages is the Family Recipes -- if you have a family recipe (say, one your grandmother made you when you were a little girl or that your sister-in-law gave you that's a family hit....) PLEASE send it my way and I'll add it to the list :) And, PLEASE don't limit yourself to just ONE :)
File Created: 23 June 2010
Waynetown Christian Church Cookbook of 1906 Found and scanned by Andy Rice, Thanks Andy for your hard work.
Home Cooking Secrets of Athens No. 97 Crawfordsville Order of the Eastern Star, Crawfordsville, Indiana Source of the cookbook from Hulda M. Smith and her neice Karen Bazzani Zach.
Recipe book of Dorothy Marlatt, hand written in a Ledger Book. As a lot of ladies do, they swap receipes, and she has many of her friends. You will see a lot of Fountain County names attached to the recipes. Thanks to Andy Rice for the submission!